Are You Recovering From A Relationship with Alcohol?

How I Help Motivated Women Take Back Control from Alcohol… 

So They Can Stop Feeling Ashamed and Guilty, Stop Damaging their Bodies and Relationships, and Confidently Make Lasting Changes to their Drinking...

And Finally Be The Woman, Mother, or Partner They Want to Be...

Ready to stop this today?

Are You Recovering From Everything?

This service ensures people stop feeling and behaving in ways that keep them from being who they want to be.

This is perfect for people who:

-- struggle with boundaries and co-dependent behaviours
-- have romantic or family relationship stressors
-- just can't stop behaving a certain way and need to get out of a cycle

Why Use A Coach?

Client Successes

After the first two weeks,
I had already noticed a difference in my life and relationships. 
JL, 35

I am a newish mom, and was really struggling with substance abuse. My behaviour was becoming increasingly concerning. After a relatively short time, I've had life-changing results that I am eternally grateful for.
KT, 38

I've never felt better. 
Working with Kinga has given me a new sense of freedom. 
AF, 40

Kinga has helped motivate me to live a substance free life and her guidance has given me the hope and the confidence that I can lead and actually live a life that is better than the one I have created for myself.
SC, 28

She is so genuine and respectful. There is a calm I felt even after such a short time working together.
CD, 43

Kinga was so helpful, genuinely cared about everyone in the group and was our own personal cheerleader. 
KM, 35

Kinga has a gift! She knows how to ask the right questions to help me reach the real conclusions and dig me out of denial. I’ve felt like a ball of wires all tangled up, and she is helping me to untangle.
NP, 48

“If you are not willing to give up your past, then you will always be stuck in your present.” -- unknown

If you're still unsure, let's have a chat and see if or how I can help you